Legal Services Available When There Is a Loss of a Loved One
Executor/Administrator of an Estate

Death Arrangements
One of the first tasks to be completed are the arrangements that relate to memorial services, funeral or cremation, and looking after the immediate family interests.
There are some laws and guidelines that apply to decide who should be the one with the legal authority to make decisions. A lawyer can assist in explaining this process.
Appointing an Administrator of an Estate (Either with or without a Will)
An Administrator of an Estate is the process where the court approves one or more individuals to take on the responsibilities. This requires information to be provided to the court, and a court file opened.
The Court grants these Certificates of Appointment of Estate Trustee in cases where there is a will, which is usually the appointing of the named executor(s) as described in the will; or, when there is not a will, there are rules about who are the first and best choices, but other persons can step forward and be approved by the court.
Legal and Mediation Services
DeRusha Law Firm has been in existence for over 25 years and has several lawyers that are experienced in estate law. If mediation services are needed to resolve some conflicts, the firm has numerous Certified Family Mediators.
The initial contact is best by phone. If you call during business hours we will answer, get some background information, and proceed through a no charge consultation.