In a family law access dispute, what does the term “supervised access” mean?
If a child is at risk in a parent’s care because that parent may be violent, suffers from alcohol or drug addiction, or has health...
If a married couple has separated, but the parent of one of them has passed away, and they died prio
If a married couple has separated, but the parent of one of them has passed away, and they died prior to the separation, but the...
When married people separate, does each person get to keep all of the Registered Retirement Savings
When married people separate, does each person get to keep all of the Registered Retirement Savings Plans in their respective name? a....
Does a spouse who is married and is not registered on title to the matrimonial home have the same ri
Does a spouse who is married and is not registered on title to the matrimonial home have the same right to occupy the house as the spouse...
If the house is in one person’s name, and they separate, does that mean that the person that has the
If the house is in one person’s name, and they separate, does that mean that the person that has the house in their name can ask the...
Does adultery affect how property, support, or financial issues are resolved?
If one of the persons in the marriage commits adultery, does this affect how the property or support, or other financial issues are...
Do common law couples have the same property rights as married couples?
Does a couple that lived together, but were not married, have the same rights to claim property as if they had been married? Yes No Sort...
I am the father. What rights do I have to see my children?
A father has as much rights to see his children as does a mother. However, these rights are dependent on the best interests of the...
Will we have to sell our house? How will our other items get divided?
The house, which is referred to as the “matrimonial home” sometimes needs to be sold in order to meet any financial obligations from one...
Can both sides hire the same lawyer and make agreements to resolve all conflicts?
Yes, but this requires both parties to be committed to that plan. DeRusha Law Firm has a program which allows both sides to jointly hire...